A church for all nations


Everything we do here at Rock Christian Centre is made possible by your very generous donations

To donate towards our ongoing work, there are a variety of options, please see below;

Click on the banner below

There will be a small transaction fee for this service

Gifts to the General Account
Donate to the Building Fund




Donate to Burngreave Foodbank
Donate to Burngreave CAP





Donate via your mobile phone

Donate via SMS to 07380 307800 with any of the following messages

Any amount can be given in this way for example;

RCC give £20 – will pre-fill the Donate form for a one-off £20 donation.

RCC give £100monthly – will pre-fill the Donate form for a £100/month recurring donation.

Donate via a Bank transfer / Standing order

General Account

Bank Account Name – Rock Christian Centre
Account Number – 22102086
Sort Code – 56-00-09

Building Fund

Bank Account Name – Rock Christian Centre
Account Number – 10393579
Sort Code – 56-00-09

Burngreave Foodbank

Bank Account Name – Burngreave Foodbank
Account Number – 90223921
Sort Code – 40-41-57

Burngreave CAP

Bank Account Name – Burngreave CAP
Account Number – 45384363
Sort Code – 30-99-50


Bank Account Name – Lighthouse
Account Number – 78908268
Sort Code – 30-96-26


Scan the QR code

Scan me with your smart phone