A church for all nations

Formless And Void


Does your situation look impossible? It’s time to believe God for something that seems impossible? We serve a great and mighty God, and He can create something out of nothing! He can make a way when there seems to be no way. Before God spoke the world into existence, it was formless and void. If God can make the world out of nothing, He can take the empty places in your life and create something beautiful, too.

Today, God can speak light into your darkest hour. He can take your formless dreams and give them shape. He can resurrect your dormant gifts and talents! He can make your crooked places straight! Trust Him in all things, because He can make something out of nothing, there is nothing too hard for Him!

“The earth was formless and void…and God said, let there be light.” (Genesis 1:2–3,

Pray With Me

Father, I thank You for making a way where there seems to be no way. Father, thank You for forming my shapeless life. Now God, fill the void that is in my life today. Please, I beg You, turn on the light in my darkness today. Give me Your peace and faith, and give me a vision for all You have for me. In Jesus Christ’s Name! Amen.